
And New Jersey sweetens the deal...


5 first rounders for the Nuggets to choose from now.

Appearing on FM93.7/AM1510 "Elephants in the Room" at 1:20pm MST TODAY!


I'll be joining Renaud Notaro and Karl Hungus on Mile High Sports Radio's Elephants in the Room show at 1:20pm MST TODAY. Hopefully you can listen in at FM93.7 or AM1510.

New STIFF LIST is up!


The latest Stiff List is up, starring the east coast sports media and Stiff List regulars Donald Sterling and Mark Cuban...

Gary Forbes getting some love from HoopsWorld


I like Gary, he's shown tremendous effort and he's fun to watch.

Latest Stiff List 12-8 by Nate


Including Andre Miller, the Denver Nuggets, Bresnan Cable, and more ...

Does this mean the Hornets will get all the calls


Never seen a team owned by the NBA. It is funny to think that this year Melo is going to be a big time stockholder on the Hornets (b/c he leads the leagues in technicals and is shelling out dough to the NBA). Refs also have the same employer, so I wonder if they show a bias to their "co-employees" ?