Denver Nuggets 2022-23 regular season schedule blueprint: from Opening Night to New Year’s Eve

Photo by Bart Young/NBAE via Getty Images

With the release of the NBA regular season schedule, it is finally time to begin looking towards how the Nuggets could perform during the 2022-23 NBA season. To do so, I broke down the schedule in two sections; 2022 and 2023.

In this story, we will look at the 2022 portion of the regular season.

Regardless of what section of the season we are discussing, there are three types of wins in particular which will do the most good for the Nuggets postseason odds.

The first is obvious: beat teams under .500 consistently. If Denver can just take care of bad teams, it will do wonders for their record by the end of the season. Nearly every team who claims a top-four seed in the playoffs and home court advantage took care of business against teams inferior to them.

The second thing is accumulate wins at home as often as possible. Again, it might seem obvious, but those random February nights at home are the perfect opportunity to either put space between themselves and teams behind them or catch another team to earn a higher seed.

The last type of win is arguably the most important: winning games against division opponents. Most tiebreakers in the NBA relate directly to performance within your own division. Simply stated, division leaders claim tiebreakers over opponents who did not win their division regardless of which division either team is in. In a loaded Western Conference, having that tiebreaker is key when fighting for optimal playoff seeding.

Beyond needing to win those three types of games, there are some other basics about the Nuggets schedule to get out of the way.

With all of that said, let’s dive into the first half of the schedule.

Of Denver’s first 19 games, 13 are on the road

October 19th-November 25th

It is never good to start the season with so many games on the road, but this particular situation for the Nuggets could be much worse.

All things considered, the Nuggets have a pretty even start to the season full of winnable games and easier division battles.

Notable games

The most notable aspect of this stretch of games without a doubt will be the return of both Murray and Porter. Still, there are a few interesting moments outside of tiebreaker-watching the first week of the season.

The back to back against the Warriors and Thunder provides an interesting question. With Murray — and possibly Porter — easing back into their roles after missing essentially all of last season, will one or both rest against the Warriors on national television or would they elect to rest one of both of them for the first home game of the season? Will Denver throw caution to the wind and play both players in both games? Also, how does the fact that Murray tore his ACL in Chase Center in San Fransisco change or not change that decision? Only time will tell how the start of the season will unfold.

Division matchups

The Nuggets will have a whopping five division battles in their first eight games as well as their sixth divisional matchup later in November.

That means Denver will play nearly one-third of their division games in the first eight games of the season. If the Nuggets do not take the start of the season with a serious approach, they could dig themselves into a hole for their pursuit of a Northwest Division title. Inversely, they could take an early lead if they come out of the gates with ferocity and a strong attention to detail.

Denver is better than all three of Oklahoma City, Portland and Utah. While one loss may sneak in, Denver should have no reason to win less than five of their first six division games.

Home games

Denver will have just six home games in their first 19 matchups of the season, but all are winnable games — if not outright expected wins — even if Denver is not at home for more than two gamest at a time. Here are those six home games:

Denver should have little-to-no issue with each of those games outside of the Lakers which, to be frank, could also be an expected win unless things dramatically change in Los Angeles.

Despite so many games on the road to begin the year, the few times Denver is at home are opportunities just waiting to be taken advantage of. Denver should go no worse than 5-1 in their first six home games.

Games against inferior teams

In those first 19 games, the Nuggets will face a plethora of teams with glaring question marks surrounding the potential of their seasons. At first glance, 13 of their first 19 games should be against teams who are at best fringe playoff teams.

If the Nuggets can simply beat teams they are better than, they should sprint out to a good record to begin the regular season and give their win total against the Northwest Division a nice boost.

Projected record

When it is all said and done, Denver should approach 13 wins in their first 19 games with five division wins mixed in. That would mean they beat the teams they are better than while on the road and take care of business at home.

If so, that would leave the Nuggets with a potential record of 13-6 after their first 19 games.

Nuggets 16-game sprint to the end of 2022

November 26th-December 31st

After a long stretch of road games to begin the season, the Nuggets will have 10 games at home out of their final 16 games of 2022. During that stretch of games, the Nuggets have the schedule working for them and not against them; even if their competition is a bit tougher.

While it won't be easy, the Nuggets have a schedule that could allow them to close the year out on a high note. They are likely to be favored to win 12 of those 16 games which opens the door to Denver stringing together wins if they can play at a high level.

Notable games

Denver has four games on national television during these sixteen matchups to end 2022 including their Christmas night game against the Suns. That is in addition to three divisional battles. There will be no shortage of meaningful games as the year comes to a close.

Those are a lot of high-profile games with plenty of playoff seeding possibilities in play. Denver will have to bring their best basketball to the table during the holiday season if they hope to secure tiebreakers against other Western Conference titans and keep winning games.

Division matchups

Denver will have just three division games in those 16 games, but two of them will be their third of four total matchups this season. That will increase the importance of the Nuggets battle with the Jazz on December 10th as well as their December 23rd matchup with the Trail Blazers.

The Nuggets should not lose a single one of these three games. They will be rested for each of them and are simply more talented. This should be the first major step to the Nuggets winning the Northwest Division.

Home games

Denver having 10 home games in their final 16 games of 2022 is a blessing, but that does not mean it will be easy. There are true contenders standing in Denver’s way of carrying momentum into 2023.

Still, the Nuggets have plenty of talent to win a good chunk of those games. They have the talent to keep up with the Suns, Grizzles and Heat and they should be favored over the Mavericks in most matchups. Denver might have to dig deep, but those wins are achievable if Denver plays at the level they are capable of.

Games against inferior teams

Denver’s schedule is tougher for these 16 games than the first 19, but that does not mean every night there is another contender waiting. There are more than a few winnable games for the Nuggets to secure.

It is hard to imagine the Nuggets losing any of their home games against the teams they are better than, but on the road they could have some difficulty. The Pelicans and Lakers could push the Nuggets and it is always hard to beat a team when you play them twice in three days. Overall, Denver should still win eight or nine of their 11 games against the teams who are fringe playoff teams at best.

Projected record

Denver could and should win about 11 of their final 16 games of 2022 if nothing dramatic takes place. Denver has a soft enough schedule and enough home games to go 11-5 in that stretch bringing their projected record for the season up to 24-11 as 2023 arrives.

The second part to the Denver Nuggets 2022-23 regular season schedule blueprint can be read here.

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