Denver Nuggets Tweet of the Week: The players pay tribute to their mothers

Jeremy Brevard-USA TODAY Sports

Although Mother’s Day was a strange one this year, due to the fact that we could not take our mothers to a restaurant to celebrate or, in many cases, even be in the presence of our mothers at all, the holiday is really just all about showing love and appreciation.

That is something that the Denver Nuggets players recognized on Sunday, when many of them tweeted out thoughtful messages to the women that raised them.

Will Barton’s message to his mom spoke on the importance of a mother’s constant support through the good times and the bad:

Gary Harris sent out a quick message to mothers all over:

The Nuggets’ newest member, Troy Daniels, sent out a very endearing tribute to his mom, thanking her for providing him with love and wisdom during his upbringing.

In order to celebrate our mothers this year, I’m sure many of us had to get creative. For those that were not able to be with their mothers in person this year, hopefully you were able to find a creative way to show them your love and appreciation.

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