Denver Nuggets: What’s in a name

Juancho _______ Hernangomez
Photo by Nick Laham/Getty Images

Michael Alan!

If there are two words in the English language that are guaranteed to get me headed in the opposite direction, it’s my first and middle name. Both of my parents used them in the exclamatory to let me know that whatever was about to follow involved me being in deep kimchee.

Given the relative youth of this year’s Denver Nuggets squad, I thought a chart of players’ middle names might come in handy for Michael Malone, for when he really needed to get a guy’s attention. That exercise proved to be tougher than I’d originally anticipated. I could not find middle names for half of the players on the current squad (and discovered that one player does not have one). For the rest, I thought it would be interesting to try and match the player to his middle name. Here are the guys we know:

And a list of middle names, not in the same order:

Did you bring a number two pencil? Maybe don’t use it directly on the screen. Finally, here’s the list of players I’ve not found middle names for yet. If you know them, put them in the chat below:

And finally, the middle names matched up for the few curious…

Did you match up any of the names correctly? Do you know any of the others? Do you care? Is it tough to talk about something new with the Nuggets two-thirds of the way through an offseason? If Malone yells “Juancho Alberto!!!” is Hernangomez headed to the bench for the rest of the game? What’s YOUR middle name? And what’s on your mind, Nuggets Nation?

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