New CSG Video: Josh Scott talks about the extra pass

Someone that everyone who lives in Colorado should be familiar with, Josh Scott who grew up in Colorado Springs and attended the University of Colorado for the last 4 seasons worked out for the Denver Nuggets this afternoon.

In this exclusive CSG Video, Scott talks about what he learned during his 4 years at CU, and specifically from coach Tad Boyle. Also he talks about whom he modeled his game after from the NBA, and what skills that he thinks he can bring to the league. I've watched Scott for the last 4 years and I hope he does well in the NBA. Great kid with a great work ethic.

One note about the workouts. We were not allowed to film or see the end of the workouts as we were the last several years. So likely the next "workout" videos will be guys just shooting free throws and giving interviews. These will be much like media day before the start of training camp. I'll do my best to give you exclusive one on one interviews and provide as much CSG exclusive content as I can.

Enjoy the first 2016 Workout video.

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