Talking with the enemy: Thunder, Timberwolves bloggers talking hoops

Want some serious hoops talk? J.A. Sherman from Welcome to Loud City and Tim Allen from Canis Hoopus join the Colorado Sports Guys to talk all things Thunder and Timberwolves.

Sherman talks at length about the connection between the Seattle and Oklahoma City fans, what the addition of Perry Jones does for the Thunder, the departure of Derek Fisher, and the budding rivalry between his Thunder and our Nuggets.

Allen offers his take on Kevin Love, the assembling of the whitest team in the league (Kaahhhnnn!!), losing Michael Beasley, perhaps trading for Nicolas Batum, and the future of the Wolves. We also break down what the Nuggets might have to do in order to sign Quincy Miller ... and it doesn't necessarily involved amnestying Chris Andersen.

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