Exclusive Interview with Sonny Weems

I was fortunate enough to have a couple of minutes with Sonny Weems after his home debut with the Colorado 14ers. I may or may not have edited out a reference to Alabama instead of Arkansas in the last question and he may or may not have laughed in disbelief when I may have mentioned Alabama, but I am not going to admit to anything.

Jeremy: You had a groin injury in training camp. Was this the first major injury you experienced?

Sonny Weems: Yea, I pulled my groin when I was a senior in college. I just had surgery when I got drafted and it was a long process of trying to get it healed and I think right now I am 100% and ready to play.

Jeremy: Is that the only major injury you have ever sustained or have you had any other injuries?

SW: No broken bones, that’s about it. Just a couple of weeks you’ll be back. This is the only thing I have had that has kept me out for a while. I am just happy to be back.

Jeremy: What is it you are hoping to get out of the D-League? What is it you are looking to work on?

SW: You know I am just trying to build my stamina back up. I have not played in almost eight months so I am just trying to get up and down, run up and down the court, play a little defense and help the 14ers win. I think I can bring something to the 14ers. They were good before I got here I am just trying to add a little more spice.

Jeremy: You are from Arkansas. Is that the only place you have ever lived? Is the snow new to you?

SW: I used to live in Memphis when I was younger and it snowed in Arkansas, but not like this. That’s what I was telling the people back home it snows in Arkansas, but it does not get like this.

Me: Thanks a lot, I appreciate your time. Good luck and stay healthy.

Sonny: Alright, you’re welcome.

Thanks again to Sonny for taking a couple of minutes to chat and make sure you check out my scouting report on he, Cheikh Samb and James Mays.

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