Austin Rivers was active for the Denver Nuggets game against the Atlanta Hawks Friday night for the first time in nine games after being cleared from COVID-19 protocols. His return will be very much appreciated, especially after Markus Howard suffered a sprained knee and will be out for at least six weeks. Rivers provides a veteran presence on the court, which will be needed during the remainder of the injury-riddled season for the Nuggets. However, his wisdom and life experience was also on full display on social media this week, as he sent out a very inspirational message to his followers on Tuesday. Rivers made sure to let his followers know that our time on this Earth is short, and it’s way too easy to let it pass by without truly appreciating what we have or go after what we want. In a world with so much doubt, insecurity, and fear, it can be extremely difficult to follow that advice. In the tweet below, however, Rivers does his best to appeal to his fans.
Time really goes by too fast! We all do it sometimes…but try not to waste it…or take it for granted. We get our 1 shot on this earth. Don’t spend it doubting yourself or your abilities. Don’t spend it caring what doubters think of you. Go get what your worth, U got this…
— Austin Rivers (@AustinRivers25) December 15, 2021
If there’s anybody that knows the importance of staying positive and not letting criticism and rejection get the best of you, it’s Rivers. He spent a good part of last season unemployed despite his years of experience and success in the NBA, before finding a home on the Nuggets. This season, he has had to play through injuries before having to miss nine games due to COVID-19 protocols. Hopefully he can put all of that behind him and make a strong contribution to a team that has had a ton of adversity this season.
Rivers’ message can be applied to many different aspects of life, but especially to the professional environment. If he can influence the younger members of the team and get them to a level of self confidence that is most often seen in more experienced players, it will be a win for the Nuggets.
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