Now that the NBA season is on hiatus, Paul Millsap has time to participate in all of the hottest social media trends. On Thursday, he posted a screenshot of one of his college games at Louisiana Tech in which he seems to be preparing to make a big-time swat at the rim. He did not just post the #Throwback photo though, however. He also included a motivational message for his fans as the caption.
Millsap’s post is just another reminder for all of us right now that oftentimes, the sports mentality can apply to your personal life as well. If everybody were to take on any negative emotion in the same way that a professional basketball player takes on an opposing player making a move towards the basket, there may be a lot less negativity in the world.
This mindset should be especially helpful during these dark times of uncertainty, so props to Millsap for trying to send encouraging words to his fans while he partakes in the most popular social media trends.