
The False-Reality Of Modern Constructs; Autonomy & Economy.

... And Other Miscellaneous Debris.

First of all:

Fuck you Dan Patrick (Lt Governor of Texas, not to be confused with the entirely innocent sportscaster of the same name.)
Don't forget to hug and kiss your stocks before bed tonight. Maybe analyze your grandma's numbers too, if it occurs to you. No biggie if not. She'd gladly sacrifice her life for your wealth - Dan Patrick (Basically)

You're cool.


Fuck right the fuck off you fucking fuck!

Since the economy will be decimated everywhere...

what if we as a collective species, just sustainably render resources and services in exchange for other goods and services and stop focusing our lives around man-made constructs like destandardized money (not the same as currency) and modern-falsehoods like autonomy?

I'd somewhat understand the idea of attempting to return to modern-normal after the pandemic, if money, debt, profit, interest, cash, credit etc were representative of anything even remotely tangible but that hasn't been true for well over a century now. Nine out of ten citizens of this country can't properly explain the effect that national debt has on the common man, much less those in other sociolo-economic classes (castes) but that doesn't stop people from using it as a talking point, as they've been indoctrinated to.

The incentive to create and explore would be no different in a goods for services exchange because the best and the brightest innovators as well as the most skilled and hardest working laborers, would be able to exchange their creations for greater returns, the exchange would just be rooted in reality and contribution, not fantasy and exploitation. If you don't contribute fairly to acquire something, you simply don't acquire it but some baseline tenants must be in place WRT the human organism.

This begins with outlawing the hoarding of "wealth" (to me an equivalent of being a multi billionaire is as decent a delineation point as any) and the need for more rational health options. The time for looking past the technologically antiquated labels of Capitalism/Socialism has come. It is time for creative model in action.

If the pandemic has taught us one thing it's that healthcare is no longer in the topical realm of right vs privelage. It's officially necessity for ALL, since one virus can affect everyone, no matter how wealthy and or famous, if we ignore the least amongst us.

I realize the necessity of services being represented by money because some things (teaching for example) can't be fairly quantified in say, loaves of bread but it isn't as if we currently do a remotely good job of compensating them. More often than not, the higher up the food chain you get, by hook or by crook in this country, the less work you have to do.

In situations such as services rendered, the money at LEAST has to be representative of something tangible and sustainable. The gold standard was ALWAYS a bad idea.

Of course I know why none of this will happen. Most of us are so obsessed with a no-longer-tenable ideal of "freedom", so much so that we've ironically become enslaved in most practical applications of the term, by the very mechanisms of which we attempt to attain it. The more a person craves freedom, the less likely they are to ever enjoy any effectual amount of it. Working long hours, sleeping briefly and worrying about both when you aren't doing them, is hardly my idea of freedom.

They say the things you own eventually start to own you but it's even more nefarious than that. It's often the outdated ideas you cling desperately to, which infect and devour you from the inside out.

I bet Bernie/Warren are seeming pretty tame in comparison to the revolution currently taking place, whether we like it or not. It's time to start thinking about revolutionary post-war outcomes that are mindful of the idea that we ARE one organism. Connectivity is ALL that will save it after the horrors we've caused ourselves and the planet, which is quite CLEARLY rejecting it's parasitic passenger at present.

Other thoughts which have transpired in my mind lately:

When they started this whole flu thing, they really didn't pay much mind to the most marginalized amongst us did they? I'm referring of course to balding, greying, white males in their 40's with Mohawks. If I emerge from this looking like anything other than Doc Brown from Back To The Future,
it'll obviously be by the grace of God and I'll denounce my goddamned atheism. Also, I challenge anyone to utilize "goddamn" more aptly.





Not a caps-lock error. I'm yelling it to the people in the back who don't seem to understand that it isn't just the elderly who are going to need ventilators, beds and who will cause shortage in PPE, none of which do we currently posses, thanks to Trump's profit and election related ulterior motives.

We have fewer beds, ventilators, PPE & healthcare professionals per capita than Italy did & by a wide margin.

Had we only quarantined the at-risk and we didn't quarantine EVERYONE when we did, our hospitals and healthcare providers would have been overwhelmed in a matter of days, PERIOD.

We should all be SO glad to pay $13K a year, per person, on average, for this nightmare of a healthcare system.

Epidemiologists largely agree that a vaccine will come but most predict that this will happen in 12-18 months! Flattening the curve is VITAL or many people that YOU KNOW AND LOVE, are GOING to die.


Trumps timeline of lies in one short video


We tried curb-side pick-up from King Soopers (the local branch of Kroger Supermarket) just now. They didn't have everything we ordered online (roughly half) but man was it smooth and far less risky.

I highly recommend you all consider doing the same for the time being. Just wait a little bit to have a long enough list to justify the $4 fee and it can quite literally be a life saver (for the human race as one organism.)

Also, your first three times are free and you don't have to search for parking or worry about being in close quarters with everyone.
Three thumbs, way up!


Are we remembering to hoard root-die?


Boomers: Those kids on your lawn snorting tide pods, vaping sick plumes & shouting "lets go!" are Gen Z, NOT Millennials.

Zoomers: Those tech-literate but snarky and impatient assholes you keep calling Boomers are actually Gen X / Millennials.

Old and grumpy = Boomers
Middle aged and damaged = Gen X
Starter-spouse and snarky = Millennials
Young and dismissive = Zoomers

I mean think about it Boomers, is your dental tech's assistant daughter who's hounding you (by way of your landline) not to leave the house, still doing whippets and Weezer on weeknights or was that two full generations ago?

Zoomers, is your voice-to-text jitterbug Neemaw REALLY on Instagram or Twitter, calling you coddled, co-dependent cucks, or are you arguing online (handle = LitAFYeetBoi21) with your stay at home uncle Shane (handle = Cobain underscore Shane.)

Glad we could sort all of that out.



I get the notion of not paying attention to the news. I don't agree with it but I understand it. Fortunately, in this day & age we can bypass the news altogether, and go directly to the source (experts) for valid data and analysis:

It's still good to watch/stream/read the news. There is more going on in the world than just the pandemic, some of it is even good. Please turn to experts however, for information on COVID-19. I'm personally going to read this once a day and I ask that you read it once at least:
Hold the line by Epidemiologist Jonathan Smith

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