Eyo! Look who it is! CSG is back after a well-deserved break. Nathan "don't call me Nate" Timmons and myself were back at Jakes Sports & Spirits on 3800 Walnut St. in the RINO district of Denver, Colorado. We start this episode off with a catch up session then:
First segment: Nuggets Ping Pong Charity event. Who was there? Who played ping pong. Thanks again to Negah Connelly for organizing the great event. We also briefly discuss
Second Segment: Denver Broncos 3-0 start
Third Segment: All Nuggets (starts at 15:05) we talk about the Nuggets rookies. The Need of a new practice facility and the prospects of a new Developmental League team associated with the Nuggets. We also swap stories about our time covering the Denver Nuggets.
Final segment: "What have we been watching" ... where I talk about more English or Australian shows I've been watching and Nate talks about movies.
Good to be back in the saddle!
Meanwhile, as always, enjoy the show!
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