For some reason, due to what I can only assume is an enormous lapse in judgment, the good people at 105.5 ESPN in Denver have asked me to be live in studio for their 2015 NBA Draft Preview show. I'll be there with host Raj Sharan and the one and only Paul Klee from the Colorado Springs Gazette from 6-8pm MT tonight!
Here is your opportunity to interact live on a radio station with one of your fellow Stiffs! Send in your questions about the draft to the text line 36168 or call the station at 303-283-1055. I will try to find some questions here on the Denver Stiffs comment section below and see if I can sneak them on the air. Be sure and interact with the show. Those who are out of state or out of range go to the 105.5 ESPN page right here. Click on the "Listen Live" Icon on the right side of the page and you'll be able to listen in. You can also access the show by downloading the ESPN Radio app.
You can also tweet questions to Raj (@Raj_Sharan), Paul (@bypaulklee) or of course myself (@jmorton78)
Hope you have the opportunity join in and listen. Denver Stiffs has been represented big time on the airwaves over the last couple weeks and Andy, Nate and myself couldn't have been granted these opportunities without our readers who have made us the most kick-ass team blog in Denver. Hands down.
Enjoy the show. Starts at 6pm tonight!