This season I've watched a total of 32 approximate combined minutes of NCAA basketball. While the tournament challenges are fun, we should all get a little perspective from John Oliver on what a money making machine this has all become:
Now that we all feel a little bad for some of these athletes, let's get to the challenge!
Sign up to play here!
The group name is: Denver Stiffs
Password: denvernuggets (case sensitive)
We'll give a prize away to the winner of the whole shabangabang and that person will have bragging rights for a year. If you have no idea who to pick, I'm in that camp, check out Jordan White's piece on under the radar prospects heading into the tournament: here.
If anyone has issues getting into the group, leave a comment below and I'll see if I provided the correct link and information - I'm usually okay setting these things up, but I don't know for sure if I did it correctly.
Have fun!