The Horns offense is one of the most popular sets in the NBA. All teams run sets out of the Horns formation, even the Nuggets. This video break down explains the basic formation of Horns, then shows how the Nuggets run an "Inverted" horns action to get Kenneth Faried an open look in his sweet spot.
Here are other examples of Inverted Horns Pindown courtesy of coach Gibson Pyper, a.k.a. @HalfCourt Hoops. I highly recommend giving him a follow on twitter if you enjoy learning about NBA offensive sets.
Note from the Denver Stiffs team:
Have you noticed the Nuggets running anything specific this season? Leave a comment below or shoot Adam a message on Twitter here: @Adam_Mares. We hope everyone is enjoying the NBA All Star weekend, and the Nuggets will be back in action soon: Friday, Feb. 20th in Milwaukee to face rising star Giannis Antetokounmpo and the 30-23 Bucks.