This season, for reasons both valid and strange, has become a very difficult one for the Denver Nuggets and for Nuggets fans alike. Going back to the offseason, moves have been made that have perplexed, infuriated, encouraged delighted and discouraged Nuggets fans from around the globe. This is something every fan of a sports team goes through ... but let's face it, for fans of the Nuggets since 2003 the trajectory of this season is something completely brand new .
A team that looks to be going off the rails.
I understand. Believe me I do. Take this season and transfer it to all but one year from 1990-2003 and you have my life as a Nuggets fan during my teens and early 20's. Each season became progressively more agonizing, to the point in 1997-98 I just about gave up watching the Nuggets. It sucks. I must acknowledge that most of you fans who came on during the Carmelo Anthony and George Karl era are not used to a team that looks to be headed to a very dark place. I don't blame anyone for not being able to process that information. Heck, I still struggle with it. I myself succumbed to it during my recap of the last game against the TImberwolves. For that, I must apologize.
Here comes the however.
HOWEVER, the increasingly mean spirited, malicious tone that has developed here on Denver Stiffs will no longer be tolerated. I know everyone on here is better than that, and we are capable of being a wonderful community that encourages healthy debate while still being respectful. Denver Stiffs is one of the best Denver sports blogs, if not THE best. We have been praised up and down by folks in both the local and national media has having some of the most intelligent basketball fans in the NBA.
I would rather us continue to be that way, even while the team struggles. I'm not asking people to have a bright an cheerful tone at all times. Nor am I asking you to praise the team when they don't deserve praise. I'm merely asking everyone to remember this is a better community when we allow ourselves to debate without personal attacks. Imagine if you were someone who was interested in the Nuggets and came across Stiffs for the very first time. If you read the comments on the Andre Miller article from last night you'd think that everyone here was viscous and mean spirited...
So, we will be instructing the moderators to keep a close eye on the site. We will start being more strict with scanning the comments. No taunting, personal attacks and sexism/misogyny. Make your point without resorting to school yard bullying and anger. Life is too short to get angry at teams or people on the internet. If you feel angry and have the inclanation to devolve into personal attacks, step away from the site and cool down until you are better prepared to comment. If not then measures will be taken.
Lets keep Denver Stiffs the great community that it is. The best.
If anyone has any questions contact me at my email [email protected]