In one of the more bizarre cases you will ever see, Chris Andersen suddenly missed a playoff game against the Los Angeles Lakers in April of 2012. Suddenly, computer and electronic equipment were being taken from his home in Larkspur, and Douglas County Authorities refused to comment on the matter. Rumors began to surface that it involved and underage girl.
This was extrapolated by less responsible sources in the Denver media to mean that Andersen was accused of child pornography, or even worse. The Nuggets, a couple months later ended up amnestying Birdman who later signed mid-year with the Miami Heat and was a key bench component in their run at the NBA Title last season.
Turns out Birdman was the victim of a Canadian "impersonator" who perpetuated a bizarre and elaborate scheme to extort him from money, according to SI. It appears, according to the article and Birdmans lawyer friend Mark Bryant that Andersen has been cleared:
"It is my understanding that the investigation is fully culminated at this juncture," Bryant said today. "What I can disclose to you is that the Douglas County Sheriff's Office and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have completed an extensive investigation and put together extraordinary effort to follow what I can only describe as a Daisy chain of events across several states and two countries." (A Colorado law enforcement source familiar with the case confirms Bryant's characterization.)