
Melo coming back to Denver??


The writer mentions how euroleague teams sometimes stop paying players if they play poorly.

How great would that be for the competitiveness of the NBA game?? If these guys 

were held to the same standards that you and I are, that if you don't perform you get fired? Sorry, but I just don't see things the players' way in this.

I think that if players had to play well to keep their jobs and their contracts, you would see a hell of a lot more highlight plays, hustle plays, and great ball games.

If tomorrow I went to work and signed a 5 year contract in guaranteed money, no matter how much it totalled up to be, I would behave completely differently. No way would I put in long hours to go that extra mile. The only reason I would give even a half-assed effort would be for personal pride, and NO WAY does that get you through a 9-5 grind week in and week out, or an 82 game slog through a long season.

Only the absolute BEST players in the league try that hard. Most of these guys skate by. Can you blame them? There is no short-term incentive to try.

I read a paper once that cited research showing the majority of people are so impacted by what headlines say, that even if they then read the article and it is the exact opposite of the headline, the headline is still more influential to their memory. They still BELIEVE the headline.

Melo is not coming back.

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