
Pro Basketball Talk thinks Nene is a Max Salary player

Nene (last of the Denver Nuggets)

Teams saw the Mavericks win it all after years of flailing in the playoffs, and it drove home the point of what a big center who can defend the paint and rebound can do for a team. Plus, Nene has a nice offensive game (he shoots the midrange well enough you have to respect it, hitting 47 percent beyond 16 feet last season.

Denver still has the home team advantage, even if he opted out and expressed frustration that the team did not come through with an extension. Whatever the new CBA looks like, you can bet there will be some kind of advantage for players who sign with their current team. He’s going to be a max guy. Don’t be shocked if a team like Indiana makes a big move for him.

Very interesting that they think Denver has the upper hand in resigning Nene. I think the idea of Nene as a max salary guy is crazy. To me, max salary contracts have to be limited to superstar Kobe, Lebron, Howard type players. Nene is a very good player, not a superstar. Nobody buys tickets in order to see Nene play.

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