
Nessy's Draft Day Thoughts

Hello all! Long time no talk. Schools out and the 50 hour work weeks in road construction have me busy as ever. I haven't found time to chat with some of my home-boy/girl Stiffs in a while so I thought I'd drop a few thoughts in regards to the draft.

First off if we pick 22 my preffered pecking order would be as followed: Singlton, Faried, Harris. Singleton won't be there, Faried probably won't be there and Harris will. I would be fine with Harris at pick 22.

Second of the rumor of Felton and 22 for the 7th is terrible. The kid from Congo and the kid from Russia have BUST written all over them. If you trade up for 7 then use that along with Wilson Chandler, move up to 2 and take Derrick Williams to play PF. Trade Nene and a future 1st to Houston for picks 14 and 23 and then take Faried 14 and Jimmy Butler at 23.

Break Down: Ty runs the point and you sign a vet in the off season to back him up. Re-Sign AAA to play the 2. Gallo plays the 3. D-Will plays the 4. Mozgov plays the 5. Your bench is resurrected with a new 6th man in Butler who hits big shots, plays big D and is a great character guy. Faried Anchors the big men off the bench and is your Renaldo Balkman on Steroids. Make some off season moves, maybe even try to bring back JR (i had to throw that in there).

I think Derrick Williams is the best player in this draft. At 6'9 I heard his arms stretch out like a 7 footer caugh Durant cough cough. May not be a shooter like KD but he's bigger, stronger and could potentially do more things. Turning Nene into Faried is like getting a nenE. ... you get 8 points a game and 14 boards instead of 14 points and 8 boards. Except you get 6 years younger. Also, Butler is unerrated and could serve as a great 6th man in this league. While all this is highley unlikely it still would be sweet. We probably wouldn't win many games next year but holy cow the potential of that team screams OKC 2.0 and honestly those are the only 3 players i really like in this draft. Later Stiffs!

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