
Fitting End to JR's Time in Denver

Me Again,

Towards the end of the 3rd, JR hit a three. Played great, active defense throughout the end of the quarter.

In the 4th, he maintained his active defense, forcing a jump ball. He hit another 3. Stayed on the court a few more possessions.

During this time on the court, Felton missed two rushed and awful shots, and turned the ball over twice with inexplicably awful passes.

CUE THE SUBSTITUTION...for the 9:35 mark of the 4th...

blah blah blah. 4 guard lineup with a lead (lawson, felton, AAA, chandler)... nice lead... long Thunder players shooting over tiny Nuggets players... another awful shot from Felton... blah blah blah...Nuggets down by 3

CUE THE 0:22... an ice cold JR is called upon to rescue the team...

Honestly, George Karl is such an asshole I feel awful for all of you that he was extended for the inspired play of a young, deep team after the trade. Enjoy the most detrimentally arrogant coach of all time.

I am SO excited to see JR flourish, that is if his agent doesn't blow it, and become the star or complimentary scorer that he has so long been. A bigger, stronger, more versatile Marcus Thornton.

Sorry for your loss - both this season's title hopes, and the loss of a disrespected, rare talent.

Later folks,

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