
Why I am one of the greatest coaches ever

A lot of junk has been said about me so I thought I would take the time to refute some of the mean things being said.

Why do I play small ball:

Playing two point guards at the same time is absolute genius. This disrupts the other team’s defense and gives our team easy baskets. You saw all the easy baskets we had in game 5 against OKC. It's just that some of suck players couldn't make them. Kmart with his easy-going jumper, sure it got blocked. Nene not being able to make dunks, what a wimp!

Criticism of my record:

I have 1000+ wins. Need I say more? Apparently I do! I have 1000+ more wins in the NBA than you do so shut your mouth. When you coach a team in the NBA to at least ONE win come complain to me and then I will tell you to shut up and to go win 1000 more times before you can complain to me.

No championship:

I have won a ton of basketball games in the playoffs too, not just regular season. Sure I don't have a ring but that's just a formality. As most of you on the Denver Stiffs have said numerous times "A guy who has 1000 wins is a great coach, a legend. Trust what he's doing".

Conflicts with JR Smith:

JR is a head case, not a good shooter, not a good defender, pouts outs when he makes a bad play which is often. There really isn't much good to say about him so why even bring him up. I barely know he exists.

On losing to the Thunder:

This isn't baseball where talent comes from a syringe. This is the NBA and the better team usually wins. This has nothing to do with my coaching. It has everything to do with our players not being able to execute.

Three year contract:

I have three year contract with an option for more if I want. Get used to seeing me in Denver and consider yourselves lucky to have me.

In summary, I am awesome and if you don't agree with this then why have you been defending me all season. One playoff series and you change your mind? Most of you know next to nothing about basketball. Shut the heck up and let me do the thinking for this team. I'll see you next season after my fishing trip.

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