
A day in the life of a Nuggets timeout


There are very few people who get the chance to sit inside an NBA huddle.  ESPN has given us small audio clips, but they're only are a few seconds long and don't show the strategy parts of the game.  Well, everyone, we are in luck.  I was privileged enough to get a recording of one of our timeouts from Saturday nights game.  Enjoy....

Assistant: George, we're getting killed on the boards.  We have to do something about this.

George: I got this, I've been coaching for 23 years in the NBA, but have never won anything.  I'll call a time out here after the score has gotten out of hand, and then I'll tell the guys to rebound and play faster, that will work, watch...

Assistant: uhhhh George, we're still getting killed on the boards, and we can't guard their guys on defense.  Ray is getting killed by Westbrook.  They're just shooting over us, we're too small.  What are we going to do?

George: I got this, I know how we're going to win.  I'm going to put out the smallest line up I have with four guards and one undersized center.  That should fix the rebounding and defensive problem.

Assistant:  uhhh, George, are you sure?  How about we try to play big against these guys?   You know, impose our will on them.  Maybe get some more fouls on their bigs.

George: Play big??  Come on, that's overrated.  Why play big when we have so many good guards, I mean, if I could get away with it I'd just play five point guards.  At least then I would trust everyone on the floor.

Assistant:  George, what the hell?  C'mon, we have all these athletic bigs collecting dust on the bench, lets just play big for a couple of minutes, or how about we just match their size on the court at least.

George: No, we can't play as fast when we play big.  We just need JR smith to outrebound someone who's 6'10, Chandler to out rebound someone who's 6'11, Ty to guard 6'6 Harden and we'll put Felton on Westbrook.  That should do the trick.

Assistant: But George, Ray has been getting killed by Westbrook.  He's too fast for Ray, we need someone bigger on him.

George: (plugging his ears and closing his eyes) I can't hear you!!! I can't hear you!!!

I can't hear you!!!

Assistant talking with another assistant: Great!!!!!!  Just F-ing great!!!!  We're screwed.  Well, I guess I can go on that vacation in the middle of May after all....

Players enter the huddle with the coaches

Player A: George, sorry we haven't been hitting our free throws, I don't know why, but we just keep missing them.

Player B: George, they're pounding us out there, we aren't hitting our shots, and we're getting killed on the boards.  George, what should we do?

George: Play faster guys, rebound.  We need to turn up our Defensive energy.

Players: That sounds great George, but how are we supposed to rebound better when we have such a small line up?

George: Don't worry about it, if we just play harder we will win this series.  Guys if we all just buy into my game plan we're going to win.

Players: George, we've gotten killed the past 5 times we've played these guys, we need something different.

George:  Play faster guys, rebound.  We need to turn up our Defensive energy.

Players: George you just said that.  It isn't working

George:  Play faster guys, rebound.  We need to turn up our Defensive energy.

Player A talking to other players: What's wrong with George?  Why is he repeating the same thing, but expecting different results?  I though this team had a chance to be really good.  Ohhhh well, we're screwed......Better luck next year....

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