
Player Development

I know we are all just jumping down GK's throat in the main post, but i want to bring to light another important aspect of coaching.... Developing Talent. I had to listen to Mike Evans this morning talk about how GK would have won at least as many rings if he was coach of SA probably even 5 because he is as good or better coach... i know i know Evans is a dumb ass that honestly knows nothing about sports.... but my issue is would GK have ever developed the SA players to what they are? ginobli, parker?, even duncan had to reach his full potential. not a chance... I know GK helped with Michael Redd, the glove and KEMP but i honestly can't think of anyone on the nuggets ever since he's been here that have reached or exceeded their expected potential. would like to get some posts of who people think has met or exceeded their potential as a nugget during GK's rule... and AC DOES NOT COUNT!!!!! maybe TY a little but the 2 guard line up is hindering his development....

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