
My Franchise Tag Speech

Hello Stiifs as many of you know I am doing a speech on implementing a franchise tag in the NBA.

I am tryng to go outside the box a bit with sources and I am conducting a Poll on this blog, Clevelands blog, Toronto's, New York's, LA's and Miami's to get 3 lower market teams and their fans imput as well as 3 higher market teams and their fans imput.  Also, if you run accross any articles you may find usefull please post them in the comment section.  That would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks guys for your time and the more that I can get to vote, the more credible my poll is. 

Now on to what you're voting for.  My franchise tag plan would be to reward every team with one franchise tag a year.  Each time a player is franchised they are franchised for 4 years.  The franchise doesn't even kick in until after their rookie contract is done.  After that the team can franchise them 1 more time for another 4 years thus meaning a superstar player will play out his rookie year plus possibly another 8 years (all at max level money) with the team that drafted them unless the team decides to trade or not sign the player.  After serving 8 contract years as well as 3 rookie contract years for a total of 11 years with one team, then the player earns his right to go wherever he wants. 

That is my plan and it basically brings relevence to more than just 6 teams, hinders the players rediculous amount of power in the league and makes it a much more even playing field.  So I ask you to answer my poll question and leave any questions of comments in the question section as well as any links.  I give my speech on Wed 4/20 and will hopefully have it ready to post a week later.  Thanks all for your time... it is greatly appreciated.

Write respectfully of your SB Nation community and yourself.