
Welcome OKC... NN's thoughts..

A rap/rhyme/spit/poem/ whatever ya'll wanna call it...

Look here Stiffs I think I'm hearing Thunder

We got 2 speedy guards who sure like to plunder

I'm Talkin Tyray, we call them the blur

An overload at point guard is about to occur

You may have a Westbrook and a Duranchula too

But we got Kouf also known as our steel toe shoe

Durant will try to score and he very well may

but I guarantee you know Kenyon Martin's got somethin to say

Perkins may be tough and I'm sure he'll piss us off

But Nene will have his way he got hair better than the Hoff

AAA is our smooth and stealthy assassin

You already know Bird and the boards will be crashin

i already said a lot OKC are you already sceered? (ski-erd)

I haven't even talked about the player that should mostly be feard

I'm talkin bout Gallo who plays like he's tipsy

Some people say he's the next Dirk Nowitzki

Last but not least I got a guy that can really thrill

you know what it is I'm talkin ill Will

If you got the Thunder in the series you'd be completely asinine

Cuz Denver Stiffs I assure this will end with sunshine

PS: I bet you were hoping I forgot about Swish

hahahaha OKC you wish

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