
Stiffs in Denver: Pick-up basketball

We talked about doing this before. I think a year ago. The idea was to get together in the summer and play some hoops. Nothing ever happened with that. Well. I don't want to wait until summer. I'd like to start finding some pick-up games or organizing something now, so by the time summer comes we'll have some momentum.

I've aleady heard from several people in game threads that they would be interested: Combatchuk, NastyNessy, MissingLynx — who's 6'7"!!! — love4nuggets — another giant at 6'5" — and Joelsopinion.

Nessy even knows an indoor gym where we might be able to make this happen.

Let's do it. Post in this thread if you are in the Denver area and want to give this a go. The idea will be friendly pick-up games, hopefully full court. Some of us are older (I'm in my early 30s) and some are younger, Nasty is 20. Some are short, some are tall. Some probably played a little basketball in college, I wrote about it in college. The idea is just to get away from the computers and get a little exercise. It can be as competitive or noncompetitive as we make it. But, ideally friendly.

I'm homeless, so anywhere works for me. But most of the work I do is NW Denver area and Boulder, which is right where Nessy knows of a gym. Also: I don't mind playing outdoors. I'm just sick of showing up to parks only to find no games are going, or worse, paying for a rec center to shoot a ball by myself.

So: if you know of some good pick-up action, this is the thread to mention it.

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