
Chin up high Denver. The hottest teams have their weaknesses

This year has been crazy...Are the Spurs 61-19 and no one seems to be giving them a chance? I feel like they are a 6th seed or something...Whatever, the lakers are back down to earth now and I would like to examine how streaky this season is for the following teams Orlando, Chicago, Miami, Denver, Lakers, Boston, OKC, and Spurs.

Its obvious to me, number one with the Spurs, they still can't play without the presence of Tim Duncan. Yea, he's washed up I hear, but it must be a locker room thing because they win games knowing he's there. They looked terrible when he was out. Can he manage a level of play of 15 and 15 in the playoffs? I think he can, Spurs in the finals this year.

Orlando....Easy. Dwight Howard is still the only guy teams can't match up against...So what...They shoot themselves in their own foot and will give away atleast 1 game in a seven game series by not going to him enough and jacking up three's.

Chicago....It's one guy folks....That's it. Take away one guy. Teams have tried it, but lets get a little physical will ya. Test this guy's toughness. Can Chicago survive without relying on Derrick Rose? NO..Someone will test his will win it matters.

Miami........Take away Bosh....He's the weakest link of the three and with the softest heart. Let him rely on jumpers, and you can basically play your game till the end. The supporting players are just too weak. But lets face it, they have star power. Pretty prime at this point on coming out of the east and will I think.

L.A..............Starting to develop mental weaknesses and fatigue. Run them up and down the court so it frusterates their bigs to be non existant. Easier said then done? Not lately, they are becoming dinosaurs out there. No Laker team has ever made it to the Western Conference Finals and lost 10 games on their home court.

Boston......Stick a fork in them. Their done. Counting on Shaq instead of Kendrick will cost them, maybe against the Knicks? Worst decision Ainge has made in the Garnett, Pierce, Allen era. Please see Cleveland, Phoenix and Miami who relied on the big guy to be there for them. Big mistake. Second round and done.

OKC.............WOW...The trade is starting to pay off isn't it. Perkins has provided a bit of interior for them. Still I'm not really convinced and think their on just a major hot streak right now. OKC has trouble beating teams that use 2-3 Zones against them. Other teams who shoot the three well in transistion beat this team. Someone will figure it out. Zone up.

Nuggets........Star power?? This is really the only team who has played as honest enough basketball down a stretch that I can see by simply taking away a star player, they have managed to develop a chemistry that NO team above has matched. With that being said OKC was the only team from this stretch of games who explioted their depth. If Denver wants to make a run ALL of their rotation must be healthy. If they play the Mavericks, they get out of the first round.

Mavericks......Gimme a break. I feel like I had to put them here. They will out in the first round against Portland who is a poor man's version of your Denver Nugget's with probably the most underrated big man in the game right now. If Greg Oden gave this Portland team ANYTHING playing along Aldridge they would be among the best teams in the league. Mavericks done in the first round...Against anyone

So discuss. Miami against the Spurs in the finals. Not really too much of a shocker really.

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