
Lack of Playing Time Costs JR $750K

JR is 100 minutes short of reaching his performance incentive, and will miss out on a $750K bonus. JR losing out on a significant bonus due to playing time should do wonders for the Karl-JR relationship. With Karl signed for more years, my guess is this $750K decision by Karl (who has complete control over JR's minutes) means JR will not be with the team after this season. You can argue that JR's being late for practice and being suspended causes this, but I am sure JR blames Karl for limiting his minutes, even with AAA injured over the last month. Players take the loss of this kind of money personally. I think this kills any chance of JR returning to play for Karl next season. Let's enjoy JR Swish while we have him - - hope he goes to the Eastern Conference and doesn't torment Karl and the Nuggets over the next few years...

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