
"Bully" Melo dumps on Nuggets offense

Melo dumps on Nuggets offense

This is history but I just can't let it go. It’s never his fault.

Still, the Knicks have often settled for isolation plays to exploit the one-on-one talents of Anthony and Stoudemire, taking advantage of the extra spacing defenses are giving them by having to stay home on the Knicks’ perimeter players.

“That’s just a knack that I have, that I’ve become good at that,” Anthony said. “Sometimes during the game, just trying to pick my spots, if I have a little defender on me I’m going to go into the post — that’s just a natural instinct that I have. But it’s better for me in this offense to keep the ball moving, running, coming off screens. I didn’t have that in Denver. It was just go down there and get a bucket in the post and bully your way though. I did seven years of bullying, man, and my body can’t take it no more.”

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