
Gallo and Chandler are better than Mello

Quick bio - I'm ex-knick fan who became Nugget fan after trade because Knicks traded my favorite players and players with tremendous upside for my least favorite NBA player, Carmello Anthony.

Not only is trade a steal for Nuggets, but if you only take Chandler's and Gallo's shooting, it is better than Carmello's shooting, and that's Carmello's strength.

Example 1: Chandler and Gallo, shoot a combined 24 shots per game and score 32 pts per game. Anthony shoots 20 shots a game and scores 25 pts per game. Advantage, Gallo and Chandler.

Chandler and Gallo combined have a FG% roughly as good as Anthony but when you add FG efficiency (factors in 3 point shooting) and True Field Goal %(Adds 3 point shooting and foul shooting), Chandler and Gallo blow Anthony away. This is mostly because of Gallo.

Want more? I havent found an NBA player who scores more points per shot taken than Gallo. Gallo scores about 1.5 points per shot taken. Most elite players score about 1.35 pts per shot. Anthony is even lower.

Trust me, just getting Gallo and Chandler improves offensive production.

Add to this that Chandler is a terrific defender, fierce rebounder. Gallo is tall, smart, sneaky athletic, hustles, blocks shots. The trade is a joke.

And we havent even gotten to the draft picks and Mozgov, who is incredibly raw, but his height, athleticism, and basic skills, lend him great potential. He is very anxious. If he could get that under control, he's gonna be something.

Oh, and the new Nuggets are completely, totally likeable on every level.

The Nuggets robbed the Knicks blind.

Let's go Nuggets!!

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