
OK, I admit it, I loved the NY, MIA game last night

I actually feel like a bit of a traitor right now writing this.  I am upset with Melo right now for what he did to Denver but I can't stand Lebron for what he did and I'm glad he got punked on national TV last night. 

I don't feel like I should be cheering for Melo, but I did.  I don't feel like I should want NY to do well, but I do for Chauncey's sake.  I don't feel like I should even support what is happening in the NBA right now with the whole superstars unite thing, but I loved the game. 


By the time there was two minutes left in the game I was standing up.  Chauncey's steals and then his big shot made we ecstatic that hopefully he'll get some more of the national recognition he deserves.  Melo wasn't great but outsmarted Lebron on the last play and STAT finished it off.  Conceptually I don't want the stars to unite in one market.  Aesthetically it was great. 

As STAT walked off to the locker room, after the GAME WINNING block, reporters only wanted to talk to Melo and Chauncey.  Carefull what you wish for STAT.  Say it with me "third wheel."  Remember the dysfunction in Phoenix around Marion. 

Gotta admit I loved seeing Wade and James despondent on the podium afterwards. 

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