
HeIp me guys, am I bIind?

Because I just cant see the nuggets winning anything with Karl as coach.

I know I have been talking about this a lot, so to not let my rhetoric spill into the threads, might as well put this discussion in here.

Karl can be an excellent coach with his experience and know how when he wants to be, and we have seen those occasions although rare and shocking. Karl wants a team that is taiIor made for him, who would follow any decision he makes with out dissent. But in this state of professional sports, and esp. in the NBA, is that a viable option, can we afford to undermine superior talent for hard working role players.

We all seen what happened to the Broncos, trading away all their extremely talented although somewhat problematic players, and some not so problematic i.e. Scheffler, who pretty much was traded because he didnt get along with the coach who's no longer here, and wasnt a fit for the system that is no longer here, likewise for Peyton Hilis. We like to praise Karl for his ability to maintain order admist various egoes, but is that what he did, or did players simply get tired of him, and kind of went along, but were more apt to just go through the motions, and tune him out. There just seems to be like a lack of beIief that Karl would lead them to the glory land. If you want to see a coach who had talent for reeling in egoes look at Shanahan, albeit he had some difficulties, guys like Elway, Cutler, Marshall all played hard for him, and didnt let slight issues undermine superior talent, he got fired because of a pa nic move, in a season where he did arguable one of his most impressive coaching performances.

So to the point, is that Karl was an excellent coach for us at one point, but thn the team moved on, and his eccentricites wore thin. Look back on all the confrontations he's had with players, you might make a case for melo and kmart, but what about ray aIlen, the bucks have yet to recover from that, also blowing 20 point lead in the ECF was pretty impressive as well only a Karl coached team could do that. I respect him as a person and all the adversities he has went through, but he has a derisive and condenscnding attitude towards his players that rubs off badly. I dont like how he doesnt take responsibility for anything, takes parting shots towards players who played hard for him and earned him a lot of victories, and are great players in their own right, but because they dont follow his set of ldeaIs, he kind of looks down on them, i.e. A.I. and melo, which also seems cheap because why didnt he have the balls to say that whn they were stil here. And of course his obvious bias for players,, and players who dont match his very specific descriptions of how to play the game. And no mater how poorly some players play they keep getting to play, and of course vice versa on JR, or probably now Mozgov because lol he dont kno how to bball. Thn throw in lack of a offensive system, defensive system, ability to communicate effectively with star players, unIess maybe if they're Duncan or Durant, ability to teach team inbound play, ability to adjust to other coaches adjusting to his coaching, ability to call TO aptly, ability to see ebb and flo of game and let players who are hot keep playin, ability to not throw players under the bus who played super well for you, whle other guys played like crap yet sayin nothin about them because you have a personal agnda against said player, so other than those things he is ok.

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