
What number would we retire for Chauncey?

Ok, this is by no means set in stone, especially because I believe in my heart that Chauncey will come back as a player for a year or two, but if we were to retire a number at this point for Big Shot, what should it be? I have to admit that I just today purchased my first Billups Jersey. I've thought about it for years now, but being the underdog lover that I am, I have chosen to go with defensive stalwarts to this day. While I am proud to say that I never once considered buying a jersey with the #15 on it, I am ashamed that I didn't pick up a #7 Billups jersey his first year. Lord knows I thought about it! Anyhoo, please place a vote just for my curiosity if nothing else. Thanks Stiffs, and great win tonight vs. the celts!

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