
Thank You, Josh and Masai

As the dust clears on the Melo Drama, we have to applaud Josh Kroenke and Masai Ujiri for steering the franchise so steadily through perhaps its most difficult period. Instead of being Lebroned or Boshed, like Cleveland and Toronto were, (or Mutombo'd for that matter) the Nuggets FO immediately put a big extension on the table when Team Melo made clear that Melo wanted out last summer. In hindsight, this aggressive, tactical move laid the groundwork for the Nuggets receiving a nice haul for one of their best all-time players who was heading fast toward unrestricted free agency. Instead of whining and manipulating the media, the Nuggets FO did not send countless rumors to the media, decided not to comment on the countless rumors and spin from the east coast media, and never bashed Melo in the process. In fact, they tactically decided to work with Melo on getting the best deal possible for Melo and the franchise. Genius! Instead of jumping at the first deal offered (remember Kirilenko and Favors last October?), they patiently worked and worked for a way to turn Melo's decision to get out of Denver into a positive. And, frankly, Team Kroenke schooled the big market owners in New York on how to navigate a favorable trade through very public, choppy waters.

Now, with the addition of 4 young, talented players, with decent contracts, salary cap flexibility and HOPE, the Nuggets have a bright future as a new CBA is hammered out. Good contracts and young talent will be King under the New CBA, and the Nuggets will really have only one bad deal after the season - - Al "Big Bust" Harrington's deal. What other team can say that? Don't be shocked if Kroenke and Ujiri find a way to trade Big Bust away before next season. These guys are good.

A new era of Nuggets basketball begins, not with an awful, devastated team and city, reeling from the loss of its superstar, but a a team now loaded with talent, financial stability and Hope. Great work Josh and Masai, and thank you.

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