
Thank you Chauncey

As a member of Nuggets Nation, I'd like to thank Chauncey Billups for everything he has done on and off of the court. You were the reason why we were once contenders in the Western Conference. You were the one who brought leadership to this Nuggets squad. You were the one who helped put players like J.R. Smith, Arron Affalo and Ty Lawson.

Even though you were unfairly traded, we'll never forget what you have done for this organization. You deserve better and we'll miss you greatly.

Although you're probably pissed off right now (and have every right to be) we wish you good luck in New York. Maybe, just maybe, we'll see you again a Nuggets uniform, a uniform you should be in.

chauncey billups Pictures, Images and Photos

As for you Carmelo, I hope you realize what you have officially lost in Denver. The fans in New York will love you, sure. Why wouldn't they? You're a Knick. But to basically quit on a team that gave you a second chance after you fucked up early on in your career, well, that's classless. You're going to make more money, but you're not going to have an easier chance to win a Championship in New York. The East is getting stronger, while the West is gettting weaker. Have fun in New bastard!

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