
Put the D back in Enver

And, no, I don't think replacing coach Karl with Mike Brown is a good idea...somebody suggested that on another thread and I wanted to poke my eyes out even thinking about how boring that would be without Melo on our team. He only won because of Lebron...clearly

However, I grow increasingly frustrated watching legitimate individual defenders (AAA, CB1, KMart, even Nene) form a team that is so porous on D. I think it has to do with scheme and not with talent. Does this have to do with coach Grg leaving? Was Mosley that much of a presence on the bench? I mean, I think every team the Nuggets play says every time down the court, "Alright, best shooter on the baseline or wing, high pick and roll, 110 points per game."

This is driving me more crazy than the Melo thing right now to be totally honest. Game in and game out we lose time outs, can't stop the pick and roll, switch every screen, don't get back on D (which you would think means that we go to the offensive, not so much), and give up open look after open look.

I wish I had all the answers, but I don't. I would love to get your takes though on why this is and what in God's name can be done about it. Last year and our WCF run, we gave up a lot of points due to aggressiveness. Has Melo taken the fight out of us?

Thanks for reading my venting...I needed that.

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