-- gallo always listens to the coach, now in ny thats a negative because the coach is an idiot, but as long as you have a non-idiot coach that is a plus.
-- gallo is fearless, he does not live up to the stereotype of a euro baller he will bring his game up close and personal to any and all competition.
-- gallo can score from anywhere he imho shows more enthusiasm when he gets the opportunity to take his game close to the basket even in traffic.
-- gallo's hair he plays his best ball when its non-gelled, its really sad that i know this, i know.
-- gallo's defense, he's quick. not he's quick for a 6'10, he's quick period.. which allows him to guard faster players.
if gallo so great why dont you keep him? cause the coach is an idiot who cares more about having gallo stand on the 3 point line waiting for the ball. i hope a second star forces this idiot coach's hand where he will have to either fix his suckass ssol system or get fired. fingers crossed.