I've been pretty quiet about the Melo-drama (as you guys call it) becuase I figure that there's not much I can do about it. One thing that has me wondering though is what Melo is thinking and what his priorities are.
Is it about winning and more specifically about winning a championship? If so then what makes him think that he's going to have a better chance on another team than the one that was in the WCF season before last? Does he actually think his chances for a championship are better with teams that have been total losers the last several years? Or is he so confident in himself that he thinks he is enough to transform any team into a championship team? I'm just having a hard time seeing that this thing is about winning and if winning isn't his priority then we're better off without him.
Is it about money? Does Melo think he can make more money on endorsements in a bigger market? He probably can but if that's where his priority is then good luck with that. I hope he and Latrell Sprewell have enough money to feed their families.
Is it just the lure of a bigger city, better career opportunities for Mrs. Anthony? Well you can't blame a guy for wanting to keep peace in the family. It's hard to believe that the Anthonys find the quality of life in Denver (or Littleton, where I grew up) to be so unsatisfying that they just have to get out.
However I look at this, it just doesn't seem to be about basketball and winning. So I'm left wondering what it is really about.