
Some Non-Carmelo Trade Ideas

Now with all this BS talk about Carmelo wanting to be traded and all these horrible offers, I thought I'd remind the rest of the NBA fans (and some Denver fans) that the Nuggets do have the assets to improve the team via trade. So here are some trade ideas (a lot of these have been talked about before)

Kenyon Martin, JR Smith and a second for Andris Biedrins and Monta Ellis

or Kenyon for Biedrins and Gadzuric


Denver: Cash in some expiring deals for two talented (but overpaid) players. Not only does this solve the obvious size issue, but it also gives Chauncey and Melo a legit 2nd scoring option and he can play both guard positions effectively. A line up of Chauncey, Monta, Melo, Harrington and Nene is explosive prob the highest scoring team in the NBA.

GSW is in firesale mode and would probably jump at the chance of trading both Ellis and Biedrins for expirers. JR would actually be a good stop gap fit in GSW and would let Curry have the ball more.


Kenyon Martin, JR Smith for Elton Brand and Andre Igoudala


Denver: Same as above, but Iggy is more of a jack of all trades type player. He might not be a good shooter but imagine him as a Dhantay Jones type player with offensive skill and playmaking abilities. Brand is a little short for a big man but he makes up for it with strength and skill. He might be one of the worst paid players in the NBA but maybe he could have a bounce back year. This would be a high risk high reward type move for Denver.

Philly: They'd essentially be starting over and giving over the franchise reigns to Evan Turner. JR is a much better fit next to him and is expiring. Pretty much it gives Philly a chance to truly rebuild with Turner.


Kenyon Martin, Ty Lawson, JR Smith and 2 firsts for Chris Paul and Emeka Okafor


Denver: CHRIS freaking PAUL. Also Okafor would add some much needed size. I think Chauncey could definately play SG next to Paul for 15 minutes a game (spend like 13 other minutes playing PG with CP on the bench).

New Orleans: Honestly they only do this if they know they won't make the playoffs this year and Paul demands a trade. I'm going to be realistic and I know this would only happen during the deadline and if other factors are in play, but a kid can dream right?


JR Smith and a first for Xavier Henry, Darrel Arthur and Hasheem Thabeet

Denver: Exchange JR for a less explosive but smarter version of himself in Henry. Also Henry would be on his rookie deal for 4 years so it'd be a cheap investment. Thabeet is shipped to Denver to help with size and Ujiri might want to bring in some African blood. Arthur is a filler (can be replaced by who ever).

Memphis: Realize Thabeet is a bust and just cut ties (they offered him and OJ Mayo for Ellis). Heisley is being an idiot and pretty much ruined any potential relationship with Henry (and any rookie) so they might as well trade him.

Some other names to watch... Jason Thompson, Chris Kamen, David West, Marcin Gortat and Nazr Mouhammad.

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