
Carmelo trade (with Jr to go along with it)

So, this might not be the most exciting trade, but it just might work, below is a link that might just give the Nuggets their best trade option.

So I am sure if you asked every Nugget fan if they think Melo will be traded before next years deadline, I am sure the majority of the people will tell you that they think he will be traded. So if he wants out then we should trade him before it is too late and he walks away and we get nothing in return. Sure if he won us a few championships then yes, it would be out of loyalty to let him do whatever he want's in free agency and if he leaves, then just think of the good times. However, Melo is not that guy, he is much more expendable than you might think, but that is another topic, if he wants to be traded, let us see what we can get for him.

As we all know, JR is more than likely going to be traded to because even though he is an incredible athlete with a very good shooting touch, he has the brain of a Stegosaurus. So trading him would be a wise thing to do in my opinion, but if we put both Melo and JR in a trade package, that would be throwing away our go-to starter on offense in Melo and our go-to bench player in JR. So without further ado, this is my trade proposal.

Memphis automatically becomes a 50+ win team, with Melo giving Memphis some offensive identity and the rising star potential of Gasol, with a very physical and big lineup they would automatically be contenders. Not only that, but they get a player almost identical to O.J. Mayo, just with more baggage. What does Memphis offer in return? Well if anyone follows their team a little bit, we can see that they have many raw talented big men, so they can sacrifice trading one because they will have another who will step up, but to start off we will get O.J. Mayo, who is going to help Denver offensively, along with a more physical Nene-like player in Zach Randolph who, if started at the 4 with Nene going with the 5, you would have a front court that would wreck havoc with their physical post-up games but have just enough shooting touch to be dangerous from 10-15 feet. Then to top it off, we get Hamed Haddadi for he is a very strong and good athlete who is over 7 feet tall, who if he works on his fundamentals can become a successful player in this league. This will solve our big men woos and if that is not enough for your convincing, we can get a 2nd round draft pick or maybe 1st because Memphis will be very low in the draft picks.

How could you not like Haddadi too after watching this video..

So, what do you think?

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