
What shall be Al Harrington's new nickname?

I feel the need for a lighthearted post, so bear with me as we take a look at possible nicknames for our new Nugget.. 

Al Harrington,  the guy who plays and sort of looks like retired player Cliff Robinson (must be the round head and headband) is something that J.R is not, a consistent player that you know will give you 15-17 points a night, intimidating as he looks, he seems like he has matured over the years and I think most of the Denverstiff community is looking forward to watching him play..


And since it is a ritual for the Denverstiffers to nickname or at the least abbreviate every new players name I thought we might look at some possible options..


1. Leo


You know, as in abbreviating Leonardo from the show/comic/movie 'Teenage Mutant ninja Turtles?'?   He was the leader ya know..




As you can see, it fits quite well and most casual SbNation readers who come along to visit a game thread won't get our little nick, it would make us special... or well maybe not..



The Golden State warriors blog seems to feel the same as well! 


check it out:


Well... that was when he was Michaelangelo (the nerdy kid in me is coming out, I know) And we all know he was the care-free one, or in basketball terms, the chucker and Al is ready to get serious, besides.. Leonardo was the cooler Turtle.


So lets look at option 2 suggested by a fellow Denverstiffs reader..


2. Baby Al.  I read somewhere that he has a nickname that goes by this, but it seems kinda lame, but it is easy to remember, which is always a plus.


3. No Sharrington. self-explainable.


4.  Tiger.  Why Tiger you say?  Well, this is why...   Suggested by a Knicks fan who felt this way when he saw Al.


5. Shredder. This is a nick I created, now I know Shredder wasn't a Ninja turtle but he was the kick ass Antagonist of the Ninja Turtles (again, I can't control my fond memories of when I was 9 year old.. nostalgic memories of the movie and whatnot are flaring up tonight).







Not bad huh?

Obviously a work in progress,  so give the Denverstiff community any suggestions if you have any  ideas, so he can fit right in with Ty Lawsome, A.C (, Melo, K-mart, AAA, Birdman,  J.R Swish (or Earl), CB1, Tacos.. opps, forget that last one, which reminds me.. Any Sheldon Williams nickname suggestions?  Tacos 2.0 maybe?  You don't have to worry too much about getting rude, after all, he's got Candace Parker.



(Edited by Nate)

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