
Greetings from the World Cup...

Just thought I'd say a quick hello from South Africa. I've attended three World Cup games and am having a wonderful time. I also have a renewed appreciation for soccer. Of course I checked in on the draft and noticed that the Nuggets did absolutely nothing. I fear that years and years of peddling first round picks in order to shed the roster of painful contracts and/or avoid first round pick guaranteed money are coming back to haunt us. While most teams had the opportunity to re-load a bit this June, things seem to be staying as-is in Denver for now. Very frustrating for the fans. I'll give more commentary when I return, but I hope all my fellow Stiffs are having a great summer. One more thing before I go - I hope many of you attend the SB Nation Denver event on the 28th. I'm sorry I can't be there, but Nate and I will be regular contributors to that site and would love your support.

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