
Question for you guys?

well this question is not really related to the Nuggets or basketball. But my question is about our Skyline, you see i love skylines and i think Denver has one of the best in the country right behind Dallas And Chicago. but i think we need a new tallest you know what i mean? Don't get me wrong the Republic Plaza and 1801 California Street (currently the Qwest tower) are nice skyscrapers both standing over 700ft. tall but they have been the tallest in Denver for 30+ years now. In my view we need a 1000+ ft tower, like the trango tower that was proposed almost 10 years ago but never got approved. Even OKC has plans to build a 900ft. tower, so what do you guys think? Build a new tallest or keep building 400-600 ft skyscrapers

even though its not all of the skyscapers this is my favorite picture of the skyline. so thoguhts?

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