After devoting a fan post to bashing Nene just a couple days ago, I will admit... When I saw Nene go down I thought to myself, which golf course Melo, Chauncey, JR and Kenyon would hit up first BUT....
Good old Johan Petro came in and played great considering the circumstances. Nene looked better than the previous three games, however, I felt Martin had the biggest upgrade in performance. If Nene is out, and Frenchie can play like he did tonight, I like Denver's chances. Petro played D, went after offensive boards, actually played in the paint, created a few turn overs and grabbed a few boards in his play tonight. He made Fesenko look like the D league player that he is and quite frankly, surprised the hell outta me. If only he can learn to look for the board when Bird is out and trying to block every shot that is within a 10 foot radius of him, Denver would crush Utah on the boards and in the paint.
I'm not really getting anywhere with this post, I just felt that Johan needed some recognition for his clutch play tonight in the biggest game of the year for the Nuggets. Frenchie might actually turn out to be a good player down the road with help in some areas =)
I was also impressed with the Nuggets being able to withstand Deron Williams' flop fest once again. The disgusting flop he had on AAA with 1 second left on the shot clock damn near lead me to spewing out all of my delicious CSU dorm food I am so lucky to eat every day (sarcasm).
Anyways, lets just hope that in case Nene is done for a few games, that Bird and Kenyon can bring the Big Mac and Milk Shake with the French Fries come Friday!