It was great and thoughtfully done. And while I applaud Wark, Sexy Rexy and the rest of the front office in making some astute moves, I'm flummoxed that we (I use the word "we" loosely, as it's just a lot easier than writing "the Denver Nuggets" every time) can't get another veteran big man for the playoff push.
Now granted, all that can change in two days, but having just read on HoopsHype that we were unable to pry D. Jordan and even older-than-dirt Ben Wallace away, it makes me wonder if trading away draft picks is such a good idea.
When you don't draft a couple young players every year (1st rd/2nd rd), it sets you up to only be able to fill your roster out with aging (often well past their primes) veterans, castoffs, and other guys who have little to no impact.
There are lots of teams in the same luxury tax situation as Denver, yet and still they are able to make moves because they have the necessary pieces that teams covet in order to get deals done.
The bottom line is that I know the front office desperately wants to make a move, but we've set ourselves up to fail, because there are no young players with upside that people want. No team, even ones trying to clear cap space, are going to want Joey Graham, Johan Petro, Anthony Carter, and Malik Allen.
Now, I also understand that everything is relative, and that some moves have led to other moves and so on... but if we had held on to Jameer Nelson, or not given up the moon in the KMart sign-and-trade, or actually held on to Leon Powe, or picked DeJuan Blair, or not given up so much for A.I., or at least gotten a young player back as a throw-in to the Camby deal, maybe we would have the pieces that we need to land Tyrus Thomas, or Haywood, or D. Jordan, or anyone else.
As it stands right now, we are having difficulty even landing cheap vets: Jason Maxiel, Tony Battie, Kurt Thomas, Chris Wilcox, etc.
Seems the only way we might be able to get one of those guys is to throw in a second-round pick, which, again, exacerbates the problem of having no youth.
This isn't really meant to rail on the front office, but more of just an observation and raising a question about the value of draft picks, even second round draft picks.
What do all y'all think?