
Dear Mr. Anthony; Quit Playing Games with my heart

Dear Mr. Carmelo Anthony

Please quit playing games with my heart, we all know that you have not made a desicon about staying in denver.. But the rumors are just to much for us die hard nuggets fans to handle. We all want you to stay in Denver. But ah i don't even know what I'm saying, I guess im like trying to tell you to either A. Sign the damn contract extension already, or B. Just tell the world that you want out so we can get a good trade for you. That is all i ask. STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH MY HERAT, i love the Nuggets, and you, over the years, have grown on me and you have become my favorite player of all time, and i would love nothing more then for you to finish your carrer where you started it, but if you don't i wish you the very best. JUST QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH MY HEART

Backstreet Boys - Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) (via Wardrip06)

no homo one the song btw

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