I honestly have had lot to say on this topic for a long time and decided I'll make my first ever fanpost here.
Some of this I already posted in the Billups Fanpost previously posted.
First off I want to say I do not think trading Chauncey makes Denver better, or would help with keeping Melo. I consider him to be a valuable asset and an essential part of our success, when he plays right. I personally believe he has way to big of an ego for a player who lets face it, is starting to decline and understandably so.
Everyone credits him for his leadership and knowledge of the game, again rightfully so. I believe he's provided alot of that and has helped with Melo to a degree in this regard. I simply have a problem with so of his decisions he consistently makes. First off his pull up 3 pointers with 20+ seconds on the shot clock are ridiculous. We have way too many talented offensive players to be doing that, and he does it wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. In fact as far as im concerned he should never do it.
Currently he shoots the worst out of all our 3 point shooters excluding Ty, and yet takes the second most. He is a great shooter, but he doesn't take great shots. Why is Aaron Affalo shooting .435 from beyond the arc? Because he takes good shots within the offense. Chauncey takes too many stupid, contested shots.
Chauncey also over the past few seasons has seemed to make quite a few, what I would consider stupid technical fouls that hurts the team. I know many of you will say he was "lighting a fire" under the team and probably could give some examples where it sparked a run. I would hedge to bet though that there are more times where it accomplished nothing, but giving the other team a free throw.
Finally when the game is starting to wind down, he tends to try to take over and do to much in my opinion. We have arguably the best scorer in the game right now. and its not you Chauncey! When I attended the Hornets game in New Orleans I specifically remember a play with the game in reach where he dribbled down.. didn't pass to anyone.. attacked the rim and didn't even attempt to make it. He just went for the foul and was consequently blocked. I'm sorry but when you have Carmelo on the team, you don't come down and have a posession without him touching the ball, barring a wide open play. Do the Lakers ignore Kobe in the clutch? No. Do the Thunder with Durant? No. Chauncey needs to realize its not his shots to be taking.
I do understand when we set plays up we go to Melo, but when Chauncey has free reign, he keeps it too often. I feel Chauncey is a very solid player but the last few years he has been blown out of proportion by the media probably more than any other player. Sorry I've wanted to say all this to people who care, not many Nuggets fans here in Tallahassee who care sadly :( I do not want to come off as finding him as a bad player or a negative aspect of the team. I just think he would be much more effective if he would limit some of these things I listed. Thanks for reading everyone, don't be too harsh on me and I appreciate any and all criticism.
Lets get the season going, Go Nuggets!