Just scimming through things on the web while I'm at work. Came across a little something on ESPN that I thought was pretty interesting. Deals with how much is owed right now for the luxury tax when it comes in July. There are 8 teams that are gonna pay more than Denver this year. 6 and almost 7 of those teams are gonna pay almost twice what we are gonna pay. Of those 8 teams, 6 of them can be considered elite teams (of the other 2 teams, one is the Knicks and the other has Gilbert Areanas' contract).
LINK: http://espn.go.com/nba/dailydime/_/page/dime-100108-09/houston-rockets-join-chris-bosh-chase
Its under #6. Tax Corner.
My whole thing with this is that according to other "contenders" we relitively not THAT deep in the luxury tax.