Have any of you have seen the game of Slamball? If you haven't heard of it let me enlighten you.
Basically its a sport that involves playing basketball on a bunch of trampolines. Here is a link to some of highlights if you're still in the dark
Well I saw a link on youtube that reminded me of this fringe sport. In this video a guy jumps from a trampoline and he dunks the ball. The thing is he dunks the ball from like 50-75 feet away!
Now thats just an incredibly impressive feat of timing and acrobatic talent.
As the NBA season is still a little ways away I thought now might be a good time to talk a bit about silly stuff like Slamball and asian trampoline dunking. What do you think about Slamball in general? Would you ever go to a Slamball game to see it played out live? dunno why I wrote this much about Slamball as I'm not into myself or anything just thought I'd throw it out there....