FanPost Survey: Vote for Andrew's comic!

Hey fellow bloggers and Nugget fans... There's a survey going on right now asking what's your favorite comic and what's your favorite crossword/sudoku/word-jumble/grandpa-stumper and amazingly, there's like 65+ comics listed and yet no mention of Girls & Sports (which is Andy's comic, aka real job, with his partner in crime Justin). I did a double take to be sure.

Just thought I'd pass this along and encourage errrybody to VOTE IN THE WRITE IN SECTION AT THE BOTTOM. (At least they offered up the notion that they might have left something out.) It's pretty weak that they can't include the comic that they once used to include in their printed edition (why'd they stop your syndication Andy? I never really got that out of the old 'Stiffs site) and it is obviously created by local artists (duh). No mention amongst droves of comics listed, some of which I have no idea what they are? Who'd you piss off Andy? LOL!

So, here's the link to the survey:

...and here's the link to Andy's comic, if you're not familiar with it:

By all means, it's totally your discretion to vote on this, we're not robots here, but if you can take a sec, check out Andy's comic and if ya think it's worthy, support it with a write in. I'll bet Andy would appreciate it!

It's pretty obvious this survey is out there to gather a pulse of the reader-base, especially those online, and it may be in the vein of looking to slash even more content from an already thinning publication. But since Andy's comic is just as good as any and readily available online, maybe we can be a loud enough voice to get them to notice and maybe more for one of our own... who knows.

Write respectfully of your SB Nation community and yourself.